The Ladybug Room

Age 2-Year-Olds

At this age, children are becoming more verbal, involved in parallel play, and are very active! The children in the program are involved in play for much of their day as they are developing their own interests and exploring their environment.  Teachers actively participate in the play and encourage language development, sharing, and problem solving.

We begin using the Creative Curriculum with this age group and themes are explored based on the children’s interests.  Children are given opportunities to sing songs and listen to a story during a whole group activity and also provided with hands-on learning experiences that are introduced in a small group.  Small group activities may include reaching their hand in a sensory bag and naming the object they pull out, taking turns adding a block to a tower and then counting them together,  exploring art materials,...


The Ladybug Room

  • 2 days/week = $265.00

    3 days/week = $370.00

    4 days/week = $420.00

    5 days/week = $440.00

  • 2 days/week = $180.00

    3 days/week = $225.00

    4 days/week = $285.00

    5 days/week = $320.00

There is a 10% sibling discount on the lower tuition rate.

Effective June 2025 - June 2026
Registration Fee - $100.00

  • “Over the years, we have been blessed to have all three of our children in the care of Peter Pan Learning Center. I cannot say enough about the quality of education they received and how well-prepared they were for Kindergarten. More important to us, however, was the exceptional tender loving care, family support, and friendship we have felt from not just our children’s teachers, but from the entire staff. Eternally smiling, patient, selfless, and personal-the teachers and administrators at Peter Pan always have the children’s best interests and safety at heart and they are simply, truly extraordinary. It will be very hard to say, “goodbye” as our youngest moves on in June.”

    — Lisa C.


The Butterfly Room: 12 Months to 24 Month Olds


The Cricket Room: 3-Year-Olds